Men who like to sing.
That’s it. If you fit that description, you’re eligible for membership with the Buderim Male Choir. That’s the only prerequisite. If you have a voice and enjoy music, you can sing. Come along to a rehearsal or two and check us out.
If you're new to choral singing, we’ll be delighted to help you. Most of us were in that position at some stage. If you have experience in choral singing, we’ll be delighted to give you the opportunity to further your experience.
What is the Buderim Male Choir?
With a 50-year track record, we are the longest-serving community choir on the Sunshine Coast. As a not-for-profit incorporated entity, our formal objectives are to:
- promote male choral singing;
- present concerts of male choral singing;
- bring entertainment to the community; and to
- provide pleasure and fellowship among the members in singing together.
Choral singing is all about singing music arranged for the four male-voice parts (tenors 1 and 2, baritone and bass) – four-part harmony if you like. It’s a bit like a footie team where you have your front and backrow forwards, the halves and three-quarters. They have different roles but they’re all focused on the same outcome. When they’re on song, you get a beautiful result.
Male choral singing is an art form and we’re proud to be practising it and contributing to the Sunshine Coast’s cultural and community fabric.
The choir is administered by a committee of elected office-bearers in line with incorporation requirements. Several other members undertake specific roles to ensure the choir functions well.
Music staff comprises a Music Director (MD) and a keyboard accompanist.
Rehearsals are held weekly from late January till mid-December and are led by the MD. Rehearsals generally start with physical and vocal warm-ups followed by learning and refining music selected for upcoming performances. The warm-ups are an important part of the session as they help develop vocal technique and choral sound. A short break about half way through the rehearsal period provides opportunities to get to know other members.
New members are not required to audition. You’re welcome to sit in and rehearse with us from day 1. If you’re unsure about the voice-part that best suits you, the MD will help you out.
We provide you with a folder of sheet music which remains the property of Buderim Male Choir Inc but is yours for the time you need it. The ‘members’ section of the choir website gives access to practice music files which facilitate at-home learning between rehearsals.
You don’t have to be able to read music. Many of us find that listening to the practice music files is the best way to learn, and many of us find that the sheet music that seemed completely baffling to begin with, becomes less so as time passes.
What does it cost?
We are a not-for-profit organisation but we do have to cover our costs. We have been successful in gaining grants to cover various capital expenses over the years but we need to cover running costs through a combination of performance revenue, member subscription and other fund-raising.
Our over-riding principle is accessibility. We don’t want the cost of participation to prevent men from joining us. So we aim to keep membership fees as low as possible by keeping costs to a minimum and by maximising revenue from the other two sources mentioned above.
Are there any other costs?
The choir performance ‘uniform’ comprises maroon shirt, black trousers, black belt and black shoes. We wear a long-sleeved shirt for formal performances and a polo shirt for less formal occasions. The two shirts are available for purchase from the choir.
Are there any other expectations?
You bet there are. We don’t insist on it but we really want our members to have fun. We want members to enjoy the learning process and being part of a group of like-minded men.
We accept that people have different abilities but we also want as many members who are able, to participate in any fund-raising activities organised by the choir. And we always welcome time/skill contributions that members can make toward the various activities required to run a choir.
Is there a place for anyone who doesn’t want to sing?
You betcha.
It takes a lot to run a choir, so if you’re into stage production or promotion, graphic design, audio/visual recording etc, or if you’ve always fancied being a roadie, opportunities abound.
How do I find out more?
Contact Neville on 0478 589 517. Come and attend a couple of rehearsals before committing to membership.